Milton Keynes Wargames Society

Who are we?

Milton Keynes Wargames Society is one of the countries most established Wargames clubs. Formed in 1976, MKWS has now matured, over the last 30 years, into not only one of the more prominent clubs within the local area, but also into a nationally respected club.

A Recent Club Meeting

What are club meetings like?

The heartbeat of MKWS is the weekly meetings, which are a hive of gaming activity. We have recently seen the membership experimenting with a wide variety of diverse periods. Once a club specialising in tournament style 15mm Ancients; we find that no one rule set or scale dominates as before. There is a club Bloodbowl League and a DBMM 100 Grand Prix along with 25mm DBMM and 15mm Napoleonic campaigns, for those who prefer some structure to their gaming. Although most games are one off affairs, ideal for a good natured evening entertainment. The rule and period spread is continually evolving, and as such I can only give an indicative flavour of our gaming range. Ancient gaming is generally to DBMM (15mm & 25mm), WHAB, and sometimes Conquerors & Kings, Renaissance to DBR or POWR, ACW to Fire & Fury, 18th Century to Warfare in the Age of Reason or POW, Napoleonic & Colonial to POW, World War 2 to Flames of War or PBI, and most of the Games Workshop rule systems such as Warhammer Fantasy and Bloodbowl etc, along with many of the Wiz kids games such as Pirates of the Crimson Coast and Hero Clix.

DBMM 100 Grand Prix Round5 2011

Flames of War

So, what do I need?

The club has all the necessary equipment to play the games. Playing mats for battlefields, materials to represent hills and woods etc. and a limited number of painted and based armies are available to members and newcomers so that you can play before committing to buying and painting an army. In short just bring yourself!

Are you a nasty competition club?

MKWS members are often seen on the tournament circuit. The club sponsors member’s entry into a limited number of nominated tournaments each year. Entry into tournaments is at the discretion of the member. Although encouraged and fully supported by the club, as we believe that tournaments should not be the sole preserve of elite players, tournament entry is neither required nor expected.

25mm De Bellis Magistrorum Militum (DBMM)

Do you do anything special?

Campaign, the convention organised by Milton Keynes Wargames Society since 1981, is our opportunity to demonstrate our pride in the hobby. You will obtain greater appreciation of the content of Campaign from other sections of this website. Please see the link to the left of the screen. Taking place at Middleton Hall, thecentre:mk, Campaign is a window of opportunity for many thousands of people whom otherwise would have no knowledge of our hobby. Although hard and often unappreciated work, Campaign along with tournament entries (particularly team events), bring about a strong club spirit at MKWS. I hope that you decide to become part of it.

Where do you meet?

Unfortunately due to the Coronavirus, York House will be closed to all user groups. Therefore Thursday night MKWS meetings will be canceled until further notice.

MKWS meets every Thursday evening at the York House Youth Centre, London Road, Stony Stratford MK11 1JQ. The meetings begin at 7.00pm and end at 11.00pm. See the map below for directions.

stony map

How much does it cost?

You will be required to pay an annual membership fee and weekly sub. Don’t be concerned they are low and will be fully explained. The first two weeks are free.
If you are under 16 you must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

For any further clarification please contact
Neil Sutherland or
Mark Carmichael