It is with great regret that Milton Keynes Wargames Society must announce that Campaign 14 will not be taking place. After an initial warning in early November and confirmation in mid January, thecentre:mk management have decided that Campaign in not compatible with the type of event they wish to see staged within Middleton Hall in the future.
We have been unable to source a suitable alternative venue within Milton Keynes for 2014. We continue to search for a venue which may allow Campaign to return in 2015.
I am sure that we all share a great sadness that Middleton Hall is no longer available to us. We would much prefer to continue to promoting our hobby to as great an audience as possible.
In an effort to maintain continuity through to 2015 and beyond, we have arranged for the National League to take place in the Icon Centre in Daventry. This will be over the weekend 10/11 May 2014, and will include all of the usual periods and timetable. This is our traditional weekend, so as not to disrupt the national tournament calendar. We would like to thank Nobby and Will Denham for their efforts in arranging the venue.
MKWS would like to thank all those that contributed to the development of our unique event in thecentre:mk.
Neil Sutherland Chairman MKWS
Dave Pothecary Treasurer MKWS