MKWS Meetings

This page is dedicated to any structured events taking place at Milton Keynes Wargames Society meetings. The MKWS annual show Campaign has it’s own specified area accessed through the links to the left of this page. Other one off events organised by MKWS can be found via the DBMM Tournaments link.

Special Conditions of Hire during COVID-19

York House has issued the conditions under which we will be able to recommence our regular Thursday meetings. These conditions are not negotiable and must be complied with by all those attending, otherwise, meetings will be cancelled or individuals may be precluded from attending. I have fine-tuned some of the requirements so that the last person in the hall will not have to spend all night cleaning up.

York House has been divided into zones: 1= the entire ground floor; 2= the entire upper floors; 3= The Space; 4= The Grounds (room users can have access to the grounds). MKWS will have access to the Main Hall, Beechey Room, storage cupboards and ground floor toilets. We will be the only user in the Main Building although The Space band practice area may be being used by others, but this is self contained with its own toilets.

Face masks are compulsory at all times unless the user is exempt under the Covid-19 regulations issued. All those attending our meetings must comply with the COVID-19 Secure Guidelines while entering and occupying the premises, in particular using the hand sanitiser supplied when entering the hall and after using tissues and remaining only within your Zone.

MKWS are required to maintain a register containing names and contact details of all attendees for each session. Attendees should report to Neil Sutherland any cases of COVID 19 whether themselves or members of their household. This register can then be presented to the Track and Trace authorities and may need to be given to York House.

We must ensure that everyone attending maintains social distancing while waiting to enter the premises and observes the one-way system within the premises, and as far as possible when using more confined areas. You will make sure that no more than one person uses each suite of toilets at one time.

We must keep the premises well ventilated where possible throughout your hire, with windows and doors open as far as convenient.

Gaming tables must be spaced to maintain a 2m gap between players at all times. Only one player should be at the table at any time with the other players maintaining a 2m distance. You may only touch your own miniatures.

The hall will be cleaned before the start of each day. We will be responsible for cleaning door handles, light switches, window catches, equipment, toilet handles, seats, washbasins and all other surfaces used during your period of hire and to keep the premises clean, using our own ordinary domestic products. We will be required to clean again on leaving. Please Note: Light switches and other electrical contact points must not be sprayed directly. Spray on cloth to wipe.

This will require all members attending to clean the tables, chairs and any of the above that they come into contact with. Please bring your own cleaning materials.

All glasses, knives, and forks, etc. have been removed from the Kitchen area. If you require refreshments then you will have to bring your own. No rubbish is to be left in York House, please take any away with you.

We must make sure that everyone likely to attend your meetings understands that they MUST NOT DO SO if they or anyone in their household has had COVID-19 symptoms in the last 7 days and that if they develop symptoms within 7 days of visiting the premises they MUST inform the hirer to alert others with whom they have been in contact. The hirer must inform York House Centre immediately.

A copy of the YORK HOUSE CENTRE, Special Conditions of Hire during COVID-19 will be available to you at any of our meetings.

Details of the 2010 DBMM 100 Grand Prix can now be found in the DBMM Tournaments Section.

25mm DBMM

Warhammer ECW


Flames of War

Lost in the FOG